Our innovative pyrolysis technology tackles the ever-growing problem of waste and pollution. The positive environmental impact becomes immediately evident. Our compact system successfully diverts various waste types from landfills or incineration and transforms them into marketable products like fuels, biofertilizers, charcoal and electricity.
Solving ecological dilemmas, creating stable well-paying local jobs and reinvesting profits back into struggling communities is a WIN-WIN-WIN for everyone. Not only are lives transformed but the momentum for positive change increases. Empowered townsfolk themselves become catalysts of change as they seek to find and implement practical solutions in other areas of need.
Starting with our Plug & Play Pyrolysis systems handling the glut of waste, we are designing other processes to create truly integrated zero-waste solutions. Our technology can then be replicated to generate valuable resources in every town.
In 2000, Wayne became the pastor of a small church in rural Ukraine where it felt like there was 100% unemployment amongst the members. This started a journey to create jobs, disciple workers and impact a broken society in a country that has suffered immensely over the last 100 years.
Since 2003, Wayne and his team have undertaken numerous projects to help locals “put bread on the table” and become catalysts of change. Biogas, biodiesel, mushroom growing, composting, and worm farming have been among the many startup projects, but by far the project with the most potential is our plastic waste2fuel pyrolysis project.
All of the projects have a common theme - taking what society has discarded and converting it into something beneficial.
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